Hi all you honorary Bob-Whites! Since we all like to gather together in groups bevies, and we all enjoy good fan-fic...

Would you like to get your toes wet with writing?

Do you sometimes think you'd like to try your hand at writing fan-fic but don't have a site to post stories? Well, this place is for YOU.

Or maybe you know you don't want to be a regular writer but you've written a story for a challenge or project and need a place to post it. Well, this place is also for YOU.

There are some ground rules, natch:
  1. Stories must be about the characters in the Trixie Belden series.
  2. Stories must be edited and ready to go before being submitted. The Writer's Resource at Jixemitri has some good suggestions about finding an editor.
  3. There is a limit of five (5) stories per author. If you've written more than five stories, you know by now that you like doing this, and I encourage you to get your own site. The Jixemitri Golden Web Creations lists some volunteers who can help you get a site going, as well as links to free graphics sites.
  4. Speaking of graphics, as much as we all like pretty pages, to save web space, please do not include any graphics for your story. If you are interested in adding graphics to your stories, I encourage you to get your own site.
  5. No "red-star" stories will be posted here. If you are writing stories that contain explicit, sexual content, these will need to be published on your own website and must be passworded if a link to them is posted at Jix.

That's pretty much it.

So, how do you submit a story to post here?

Easy! Simply email me your story (first link below) in either html or Word doc format. Allow me some time to get the story formatted and posted for this site. I will then email you back with the link to your story so you can announce it.

Please read the Story Promotion guide before posting your story in the Story Announcements forum at the Jix MB.

Then sit back and enjoy the comments people will leave, gushing over your writing and encouraging you to become an official author. *g*

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